Egyptian Fashion Trends


Egyptian fashion trends are a natural growth that comes along with the times and the revolution of the new Egypt. Egyptian fashion is a fusion of many styles from various countries of the world. Egyptians have combined European and Arab styles with a touch of African and Middle Eastern styles in their quest for beautification and elegance. Egyptian clothing incorporates the best in textile design. These designs were used by emperors thousands of years ago to construct the great pharaohsโ€™ palaces.

Egyptian clothing follows four main trends: wedding, office, sports and casual. The women are endowed with a glamorous look and they wear clothes that are embellished with gold jewelry and embroidery. They carry extravagant jewelry made from stones and glass. Egyptian fashion clothes are long and flowing, accentuated by the use of fine tailoring. Clothes can be further classified into three sub-categories: head-to-toe clothing; outerwear; and clothing accessories. Womenโ€™s dress usually consists of a traditional long gown, a matching veil and a tight fitting long dress.

The modern day Egypt is more conservative and tends to focus more on Islamic values. The most common types of clothes are black and white mixed with red. The Islamic sensuality is reflected in the clothes of women as they wear the traditional Islamic clothing, which consists of long, loose fitted long gown with a full veil, black or reddish ankle length pants, colorful and shimmering jewelry. Designer clothing is also available. The major textile products are silk and cotton fabrics and heavy artwork work is evident on both fabric and jewelry. Egyptian fashion trends incorporate the use of exquisite jewelry, gold jewelry, beads, stones and intricate embroidery to create a glamorous look that will complement any outfit.
